Raising the Bar
Envisioning the Future to Leave a Lasting Legacy
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Second in a series on the Master Planning process — how and why.
Step 1 in the Master Planning process was research — understanding your club, the competitive landscape, member needs and growth opportunities. Step 2 is where we start to peek behind the curtains…and the walls — literally.
Integral to the success of a comprehensive long-term Master Plan for your club is a careful review of your physical facilities, infrastructure and maintenance requirements. The assessment identifies immediate and deferrable maintenance requirements for mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems; items that require updating to meet modern building codes; necessary replacement of everything from roofing to furnishings — and, for all, associated timelines and costs.
“The analysis helps in determining immediate and long-term needs and budget requirements,” says Chambers’ Director of Planning and Corporate Administration John Snellinger, who has led a number of the review teams for Chambers in recent years. “At the same time,” he says, “we also look at maintenance needs to determine areas of opportunity and improvement — for example, where a more efficient mechanical system could save the club money and manpower, or where a facilities upgrade (versus simply a replacement) would address an expressed member need or even drive additional revenue.”
There are a couple of ways a club can go about this type of review, says Snellinger. “Capital Reserve Studies typically look at replacement costs only and, frankly, can be a bit daunting. We prefer to look at facilities maintenance in the context of the long-term evolution of a club,” he says. That’s where cost and opportunity converge.
For more information about Chambers’ Master Planning services, including Facilities & Maintenance Analysis, visit www.chambersusa.com or contact John Snellinger, 410.727.4535.
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